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Parish Notice Board

• Just imagine how wonderful it would be if say 50 or 60 parishioners agreed to say a prayer every day for our priests. One could install a Notice Board in the Church with the names of all who volunteer to support this apostolate. Others in the parish would see it and they too would feel encouraged to sign up. Before long most of the parish would be united in praying a “Hail Mary” every day for our Priests. All names (no addresses) could be listed on the Notice Board. Provided the Pastor agrees.

The Notice Board could also :-

• Record the name of the local Catholic school which has joined in the Schools Vocations Cross programme.

• List the names of all the sick and housebound in the parish who agree to join this apostolate by uniting their sufferings

(often completely hidden) to the Cross of Christ imploring for vocations.

• Mention those families or individuals who are participating in the “Vocations Cross” programme.

• This dedicated Notice Board would be helpful in displaying any photos and stories highlighting priests,

seminarians and religious from the parish; Diocesan or Parish news concerning vocations and events such as

- Names of members of the Parish Vocations Committee.

- Details of men’s discernment groups

- Women’s discernment groups

- Details of “days of recollection” and fun days for young people interested in becoming priests

- List time of Eucharistic Holy Hour for vocations in the parish.

Any literature regarding vocations could be sited nearby

Diocesan Vocations Director. His name, email and postal address, and telephone number, should be prominently displayed.

Vocations Guide to Priesthood



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