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The Jesus Caritas Association of Diocesan Priests.

Promotes a spirituality for diocesan priests that covers the charisms of Blessed Charles de Foucauld; these include a Eucharistic charism, which supports one another in their priestly ministry, and the living of a simple life. Their spirituality is Scriptural, so they try to keep Scripture alive in their daily lives” This association facilitates priests to stay connected and to support each other.

There are about 4000 members of Jesus Caritas worldwide, with a presence on every continent of which some 1,500 members reside in the United States. This organization allows Father to express himself and be gently challenged to deeper holiness by his brother priests who truly understand what is happening in his life; the need for spiritual direction and frequent confession must also be acknowledged. In today’s busy world with fewer priests in many dioceses it is all the more important for every priest to keep in touch with his brother priests.

Vocations Guide to Priesthood


Happy Anniversary Father

  • The Parish Vocations Committee might like to mark this important date in the life of their parish by encouraging as many parishioners as possible to attend Holy Mass on the anniversary of Father’s ordination. The intention of the mass could be “To thank Almighty God for father’s vocation” The participants might like to sign a special anniversary card beforehand in the vestibule as they enter the church to be presented to their priest at the end of Holy Mass together with a tiny memento to mark the occasion such as :-
  • “True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary” by St Louis Mary de Montfort.
  • Why not arrange with Father for a photograph taken on his ordination day to be on display. It would delight all present and remind their Shepherd(s) of the enthusiasm he felt for the Priesthood on that never to be forgotten day in his life.
  • Perhaps the little children in the parish might like to present their priest(s) with their very own “homemade” anniversary cards.
  • Let us be mindful of all those priests who labour in a different part of The Lord’s Vineyard as Missionaries or Chaplains in Religious Communities, Schools, Colleges and Universities; Chaplains in Hospitals, Military Establishments and Penal Institutions in addition to the many priests who evangelize through the Media.
  • The Year of Priests is an appropriate time to show our love and gratitude to our sick and retired pastors. Hopefully, their carers will ensure that these chosen souls celebrate in a very special way this year the anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.


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